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My landscapes are very spiritual in nature. The majority of them were taken at a time in my life when personal situations were becoming overwhelming. Part of my coping strategy for these situations came in the form of travel and the contemplation of nature. I went out into the Canadian wilderness to heal. The objective of this current project is to capture something of the inherent beauty of Canada, to convey a sense of her majestic, mystical beauty. The project started when I attended a conference in Whitehorse in the Yukon. I have now covered 10 provinces, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories

I found in taking these pictures that there was a similarity of method to my older work, namely in the act of making portraiture. The changing light of a landscape is similar to the changing expressions of a sitter. The range of possibilities seem limitless yet specific to the subject. As a result I feel that my landscapes are a kind of portrait of a place, but also an equivalent to my own identity. So in a sense, they seem like self-portraits.

As an artist, it is my passion to see light, and convey the splendor of a landscape— to present an image in a way that is unique, giving my personal touch to my chosen subject.

These images are a continuation of my quest to photograph the magnificence of Canada, to publish these works, and to increase the awareness of Canada on the international scene.

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